
Showing posts from July, 2015

♫ DJ Elon Matana - 2014 In 10 Minutes ♫ *HD 1080p*

Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently, Christie’...


 Sebuah petisi dibuat oleh salah satu anggota bernama akun Djali Gafur. Dia menyuarakan keresahannya sebagai pelanggan Telkomsel yang membebankan tarif internet lebih mahal di zona Indonesia Timur. Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya. Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen. "Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak da...

Internet Mahal di Indonesia Timur, BRTI Panggil Telkomsel

 Sebuah petisi dibuat oleh salah satu anggota bernama akun Djali Gafur. Dia menyuarakan keresahannya sebagai pelanggan Telkomsel yang membebankan tarif internet lebih mahal di zona Indonesia Timur. Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya. Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen. "Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak da...

Internet Mahal di Indonesia Timur, BRTI Panggil Telkomsel

 Sebuah petisi dibuat oleh salah satu anggota bernama akun Djali Gafur. Dia menyuarakan keresahannya sebagai pelanggan Telkomsel yang membebankan tarif internet lebih mahal di zona Indonesia Timur. Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya. Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen. "Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak da...

Batu Akik - Batu Fosil Telur Naga Harga 5 Miliar

Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently, Christie’...

Batu fosil telur naga NTT


Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently, Christie’...

Arab Saudi Serang Yaman

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

Rintihan Anak Negeri

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recentl...

ScienceCasts: The Mystery of Nanoflares

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

Rokatenda Flores manise

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

BII Maybank Idul Fitri Greetings

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

MasyaAllah, Indahnya Suara Tilawah Polwan Hafal 20Juz Al Quran

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

Indonesian Gemstone - IGS Adventure Aceh

ASAL DAN SEJARAH BATU BIO SOLAR Batu akik bio solar termasuk dalam batuan idocrase yang memiliki tingkat kehalusan dan keberagaman warna yang mengagumkan. Batu Idocrase Bio Solar Aceh selain harganya tergolong mahal untuk mendapatkannya juga tidak mudah. Karena itu batu jenis Idocrase Solar Aceh sangat diminati dan paling dicari-cari oleh para gamestoners. Solar aceh termasuk jenis Giok dengan beragam kualitas dan warna, jenis super solar Aceh tidak kalah dengan batu kristal yang sudah populer terdahulu. Pada awal tahun 2014 kemarin sempat terjadi ekplorasi dan pencarian batu bio solar besar besaran terutama di daerah barat indonesia. Batu yang berwarna mirip dengan warna solar yaitu hijau kecoklatan ini sempat menjadi batu paling tinggi popularitasnya hingga sekarang. Dibalik popularitasnya yang tinggi tak hayal jika terjadi pencarian batu yang besar2an. tempat penghasil batu alam ini terletak di desa gayo yaitu desa yang berada di Aceh. Harganya selalu naik dari ta...

Legendary Military Snipers

Kota Kupang mengalami gangguan jaringan internet dan telepon yang parah selama 8 jam pada Minggu (11/7) mulai pukul 11.00-19.00 Wita. Gangguan ini terjadi jelang kedatangan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Jusuf Kalla ke Kupang untuk menghadiri peringatan HUT Koperasi ke 68. Jusuf Kalla tiba di Bandara El Tari sekitar pukul 14.30 Wita, sampai upacara perayaan HUT Koperasi berakhir, jaringan telepon tidak kunjung normal. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan aktivitas sebagian besar warga yang menggunakan internet lumpuh termasuk wartawan. Wartawan yang meliput kegiatan Jusuf Kalla juga tidak mampu berbuat banyak. Sesuai pantuan, akibat gangguan ini, selama kurun waktu tersebut tidak ada laporan kegiatan wakil presiden dari Kupang yang ditayangkan di media online. Warga yang menanti kedatangan Jusuf Kalla juga mengeluh karena tidak dapat mengirim pesan singkat. Begitu pula aparat keamanan. Terkait lumpuhnya jaringan telepon dan internet tersebut sampai Minggu malam, tidak pemberitahuan te...

Nancy Ajram UNICEF polio promo دعاية اليونيسف لمكافحة شلل الأطفال مع نان...

Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

Best Arabic Club Remix 2015 | Awesome Mix

When you pick up the phone, who you’re calling is none of the government’s business. The NSA’s domestic surveillance of phone metadata was the first program to be disclosed based on documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden, and Americans have been furious about it ever since. The courts ruled it illegal, and Congress let the section of the Patriot Act that justified it expire (though the program lives on in a different form as part of the USA Freedom Act). Yet XKEYSCORE, the secret program that converts all the data it can see into searchable events like web pages loaded, files downloaded, forms submitted, emails and attachments sent, porn videos watched, TV shows streamed, and advertisements loaded, demonstrates how Internet traffic can be even more sensitive than phone calls. And unlike the Patriot Act’s phone metadata program, Congress has failed to limit the scope of programs like XKEYSCORE, which is presumably still operating at full speed. Maybe Verizon stopped giving phone me...


Who We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai. More recently...

Kalau Begini Caranya, Indonesia akan Bangkrut di Tangan Jokowi - RMOL.CO

Kalau Begini Caranya, Indonesia akan Bangkrut di Tangan Jokowi - RMOL.COWho We Are Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery. Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, ...